Case study
February 27, 2025
Ethan Henderson

Getting job-ready for the NHS BSA

Careers in tech

Employers are looking for job-ready candidates. Working with NHS BSA, we aim to equip people with the skills necessary to be successful in business support.

Tech Talent Ready is designed to help people gain the skills they need to find employment. By working with recruiters, we can streamline the process. This week, we sat down with Samantha Lawson from the NHS BusinessService Authority (NHSBSA) to learn how recruiting has changed since the NHS BSA became one of our delivery partners.

“My role is as a recruitment resourcer. My role involves bringing in new people into roles of our contact centre.  We do this by attending bootcamps, helping with job descriptions and applications and providing more information on what life is like at NHS BSA.”

Partnering up with Tech Talent Ready

By working with us, employers gain access to a pipeline of people seeking employment. Our Skills Bootcamps help prepare candidates by teaching them skills necessary for their future roles, as well as the confidence needed to handle any interview.

“What drew us to Tech Talent Ready? We benefit by receiving job-ready applicants. They go through the application process and have a full understanding of the role.”

Being delivery partners allows Samantha and her team to introduce the NHS BSA and the various roles they offer. Throughout the 3 weeks of our Skills bootcamps, our cohort is tasked with researching their role in the company and what the job has to offer.

“In the past, we have had people recruited who did not have a full understanding of who we are. They see the NHS and presume it means working in a hospital.”

What does a Tech Talent Ready cohort offer?

Employers are always looking for people who are fit for the company. People who are intrigued and actively interested in what opportunities are available. Sam and her team promote the NHS BSA by delivering talks throughout the region.

“When we visit, we often have people who just aren’t engaged. Tech Talent candidates come with relative questions. It showcases their confidence and communication skills”.

Our team help prepare people looking for employment by providing a learning environment where you are allowed to not only learn about the job but also how you would fit into the role. During their time with us, our bootcampers practice public speaking with presentations, and mock interviews and reflect on their skills through their learner journal. Neil Crabtree, Student Success Lead, helps make our candidates interview-ready using the STAR method which the NHS BSA scores on. By the end, our bootcampers have gained the confidence to share the knowledge that they know and highlight their talents.

“We had a session where one group from Tech Talent were answering each other’s questions, which showed the level of research that people do as part of the bootcamp”.
“They are very well prepared, using the STAR method which is what we score against. They have interview questions and examples ready to show their skills.”

Life at the NHS BSA

Those who are successful in the recruitment process will receive formal training during their induction and be entered into the academy. The academy allows beginners to meet their future team members and receive mentorship.

“It gives them that additional learning space where they can ask questions and receive additional coaching so that they are prepared and comfortable for the role.”

There are many career pathways within the company. Once a 6-month probationary period is passed, employees are allowed to apply for roles that may interest them. The NHS BSA allows people to have 2 days of training in a different sector of the company, so that when internal positions become available, they are ready to apply.

When asked how she has enjoyed her years within the company, Samantha stated-

“I love working at the NHS, and I’ve nearly worked 14 years. I came through a contact centre like Tech Talent where I progressed throughout the company to my current role in recruitment. I can’t see myself leaving. We’re a great team, and there is a great work-life balance. Some days don’t feel like you’re at work.”

Would Samantha do a Skills Bootcamp in Business Support?

“I like to see people progress their confidence and skills. Seeing people from the beginning to where they are is amazing. The growth of confidence and skills we see from at the start on their first day to working side by side is nice to see”.

If you would like to register for a Skills Bootcamp to find your place in the NHS BSA, click here to apply.