Trendbible is a future consumer forecasting agency and helps businesses around the world understand what is going to be next for their customer. As a future consumer forecasting agency, Trendbible taps into the importance for businesses to predict what customers are going to be thinking, feeling and doing in 12 months’ time.
Pre-pandemic, Trendbible ran 3 major product streams. However, as with many organisations, the organisation had seen its streams impacted during Covid. It then reassessed its services and looked at its potential to adapt to the new market.
Trendbible identified the opportunity to integrate its three product streams into one subscription platform. This platform was to include its trend reporting, one-to-one consulting, and other digital services.
However, to develop the subscription platform, Trendbible needed access to finance and digital expertise. Along came Digital Pathfinders.
The support
With limited financial resources, Trendbible knew that the transition into a new digital platform could present a huge risk to the business. The company needed help to mitigate the risk of investment into technology.
To launch an initial digital platform pilot, Digital Pathfinders first helped Trendbible find funding. This enabled a build of the initial platform to test the waters with existing customers.
Next, Digital Pathfinders helped Trendbible prepare to transition its pilot platform into a final product. The team produced recommendations on platform design and feature changes that would optimise the user experience (UX Design), and documented these into a report. This enabled Trendbible to further grow the platform into a product that will provide an immersive experience to users.
“The process was so easy it almost felt a bit of a cheat”, said Trendbible. “I can’t believe this service was free. The team invested so much time and thought and consideration into the business, they have been a huge benefit. It was so informal and not corporate in anyway. They didn’t overwhelm us with tech and jargon”